Wednesday, 27 December 2017

25 Health Benefits Of Banana (Free )updates medicinetips4u

25 Health Benefits of Bananas:-

1.Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.
2.Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar.
3.Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana.
4.Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana.
5.Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation.
6.Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6.
7.Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas.
8.High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.


9.Rich in pectin, bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body.
10.Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.
11.Constipated? High fiber in bananas can help normalize bowel motility.
12.Got the runs? Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhoea.
13.Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD.
14.Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids.

Natural Cures From A Simple Banana;-

15.Eating bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption.
16.Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.
17.Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease.
18.Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness.

19.Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation.
20.Control blood sugar and avoid binging between meals by eating a banana.
21.Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day.
22.The natural mood-enhancer tryptophan, helps to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
23.Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium to speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal.
24.Remove a wart by placing the inside of a piece of banana peel against the wart and taping it in place.
25.Rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with a dry cloth for a quick shine. —

Prevention iz better thn medicines.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Vitamins and Health Benefits Medical Uses Discovery Free Updates


 The name is from vital and amine, meaning amine of life, because it was suggested in 1912 that the organic micronutrient food factors that prevent beriberi and perhaps other similar dietary-deficiency diseases might be chemical amines

vitamin is an organic compound and an essential nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin.


In 1747, the Scottish surgeon James Linddiscovered that citrus foods helped prevent scurvy, a particularly deadly disease in which collagen is not properly formed, causing poor wound healing, bleeding of the gums, severe pain.

During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the use of deprivation studies allowed scientists to isolate and identify a number of vitamins.

In 1881, Russian surgeon Nikolai Lunin studied the effects of scurvy at the University of Tartu in present-day Estonia. He fed mice an artificial mixture of all the separate constituents of milk known at that time, namely the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and salts. 1910, the first vitamin complex was isolated by Japanese scientist Umetaro Suzuki, who succeeded in extracting a water-soluble complex of micronutrients from rice bran and named it aberic acid (later Orizanin). He published this discovery in a Japanese scientific journal.



Fat-soluble Vitamins
  • Are essential organic substances needed in small amounts in the diet for normal function, growth, and maintenance of body tissues.
  • Vitamins A, D, E, and K dissolve in organic solvents whereas the B vitamins and vitamin C dissolve in water.

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) ...
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) ...
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) ...
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) ...
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) ...
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) ...
  • Vitamin H (Biotin)

  • Health Benefits Of Vitamins;-

  • Strong bones. A combination of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and phosphorus protects your bones against fractures.
  • Prevents birth defects. Taking folic acid supplements early in pregnancy helps prevent brain and spinal birth defects in offspring.
  • Healthy teeth.
  • Improve the vitamin deficiency in body .

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